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20 Nativ A'mazalot Street

Following protests in the early 1960s, the plan to demolish Jaffa and modernize it was abandoned. Instead, it was decided to do preservation and restoration of ancient Jaffa and transform it into an artist district by developing gardens and squares in the public space.

The remaining houses in the complex were rebuilt, and assigned to artists as part of the art district development. The alleys were renovated, paved with stone tiles and adapted to modern sanitation conditions. All the alleys were named after the 12 zodiac signs, and the central street was called Nativ A’mazalot (Zodiac Path). Today the complex only partially fulfills its purpose and includes the “Alley Theater”, many galleries and religious sites, including the mosque and the Franciscan church.

Noga Nagarut, manufacture of wooden windows, doors & shutters in the project according to the documentation file.

The windows, shutters, interior and exterior doors and accessories of Noga Nagarut are designed for luxury homes, preservation buildings and buildings with a meticulous design look. The products are imported from Europe and manufactured in high quality.

Architect: Naor Mimar